Licking is one way a dog senses its world, and occasional licking is perfectly normal behavior and nothing to be concerned about. When your dog licks excessively, however, it can be an indication of...
Most pet owners are convinced that their furry family members have feelings, too. Fans of the animal-free lifestyle often express their skepticism, but proof of animals' emotions is well-documented...
Trimming a dog's toenails may seem like a simple task, but it isn't always easy. Many dogs are nervous and anxious when getting their nails trimmed, and improperly done, a badly cut nail could...
Dogs are friendly, social animals, and a proper greeting is essential to establish and maintain the correct, safe human-dog relationship in a pack hierarchy. Whether you are greeting your own pet, a friend’s...
February has been declared Pet Dental Month --and for good reason. The most common disease seen by veterinarians is dental disease. In fact, 75-85% of pets over the age of 2 have dental disease of...