6 Reasons Why You Should Be Changing Your Pet’s Food
5 Tips For Dealing With Bullies
Aaah, a trip to the dog park. Sounds fun, right? But what if there is an ill-mannered dog who bullies and their human pack-member is clueless? Here's how to handle tricky canine social situations like a pro. No Bad Dogs: First of all, there are no bad dogs, just clueless human handlers. As soon as you recognize the signs that your own dog is uncomfortable (no tail wags or play bows), step in. With a firm "No" directed at the bully, along with a motion indicating it should move off, you communicate that your dog is off limits. Lead your own...
Good Dental Hygiene is a Must for Your Pet's Optimal Health:
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Chewing Everything
Help! My Dog is Chewing Everything Dogs are some of the best companions a person can ask for, but sometimes they can be a bit ornery. Dogs love to chew on things and they can be very stubborn when it comes to stopping them. Even though it is very frustrating, there are several things you can try to keep your house from being chewed to pieces. Why They Chew Boredom When dogs have nothing to do, they get pretty creative. Anything can be turned into their next chew toy. Teething Puppies go through a period in their life when all...